Habitat for Humanity
Habitat for Humanity is a world-wide organization dedicated to eliminating poverty housing through building, educating, fundraising, and advocating for affordable housing. The Ithaca College chapter allows students to get involved with this mission on-campus, in the local community, and around the country. Each year we plan a number of SLI events, builds, bonding events, use our resources for advocacy and education about homelessness, and plan a break trip to another Habitat for Humanity affiliate somewhere else in the country!
For the Fall 2022 semester, general body meetings will be held every other Tuesday at 6pm in Williams 211. Email us at ithacah4h@gmail.com for more info!
Join our Facebook group for more information: https://www.facebook.com/groups/242304846480986/
And don't forget to follow us on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ic_habitat/